Made with

It Generally Leads a Solitary Life or Lives in Pairs

We do not know precisely the rate of growth of the young


            in immature birds the neck is reddish brown


                        Too soon marred are those so early made


A lot of hugging, holding hands sometimes. He always

            used to push the hair out of my face


                                                Both briskly preen their feathers


                        I'm an insecure person


Dynamic gliding is used in particular by large sea birds


            All Americans are entitled to enjoy a private family life




With love's light wings did I o'er perch these walls


                        We were both aware of the volume and sometimes

                                    I bit my hand--so that I wouldn't make any noise


            The acoustic performances depend on various internal and external factors


                        The constant use of the beak inevitably causes wear and tear


                                    please be my friend


            The true thing is shading into the imagined thing, all right?


Many of the 30 or so gifts reflected his interests in history, antiques, cigars, and frogs





This is a matter of sex between consenting adults


            For never was a story of more woe


                        The difference in quality between different territories

                                    makes it more convenient for a female to choose an already

                                    paired male


He needed to acknowledge that he helped fuck up my life


            Harming him is the last thing in the world I want to do




Classification of birds:


                        pheasant, grouse, gull, loon, heron, coot, stork


You want me out of your life,

            I guess the signs have been made clear for a while


                                    We met, we wooed and made exchange of vow


            Flight is undulating and irregular                                   


                        I may be subject to the upbraidings of all

                                    who are now witnesses of the present solemn ceremony


And what I assume you shall assume.




The girl floats around in her nightgown.


                                    C'mon, it's me


I intend to reclaim my family life for my family


                        She had complained that he was making no effort to get to know her


            She wanted to have sexual intercourse with him at least once


                                    Call me but love and I'll be new baptized


                        She told me I looked fat in the dress




The nest is made in a hole, in rocks, or in a tree, often near water


            What the meaning of the word 'is' is


            I thought I fell in love with this person who I thought was

                                    such a good person                                               


                        I'm sorry to bother you with this


            Every day can't be sunshine.